An Up-Close and Personal Experience with Keratin-Bonded Hair Extensions
Recently, one of our awesome clients wrote about her experience getting Keratin Bonded hair extensions with Lindsey. Here’s K.J.’s story…
I started losing my hair in 2006 after a series of really traumatic events. Actually, it happened within a 5 day time period. On a Tuesday, I had, at least I thought, a full head of very fine, baby thin hair. But I had enough that my stylist nor myself never knew anything different other than I had a lot of it. I was always told that… I had a ton of baby thin, fine hair. That was a Tuesday. Thursday and Friday it did seem odd, it got harder to style and then Saturday morning I had ½ of what I had that previous Tuesday and hairspray, volumizers, etc. wouldn’t hold a curl, shape, or style. The oddest thing though… I never shed any hair.